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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

Bridge Lunch Break to discuss effects of the Flint Water Crisis on kids

Flyer for lunch break with photos of speakers
On May 29, enterprise reporter Ron French will discuss the far-reaching impacts of the Flint Water Crisis on children with three expert panelists.
  • Ten years after the Flint Water Crisis began, experts have studied the impacts on kids who lived through the tragedy
  • Lunch Break will discuss the long-term effects of stigma and trauma on Flint’s children
  • Register for this free event below

Bridge Michigan invites readers to a free Zoom discussion from noon to 1 p.m. on May 29 about the impact of the Flint Water Crisis on the city’s children.

A recent Bridge Michigan story series examined the trauma and stigma of living through the crisis, and what can be done to improve educational outcomes and quality of life for Flint’s kids.


Guest panelists will include Hernan Gomez, pediatric emergency room physician at Hurley Medical Center, Pamela Pugh, president of the State of Michigan Board of Education and Ashley Strozier, Flint parent. Enterprise reporter Ron French will moderate the discussion.

Participants can ask questions of our panelists via the Zoom chat feature throughout the event. Pull up a chair, grab your lunch and join us for this interactive discussion.


Please fill out our Lunch Break registration form to be sent a calendar invitation to the event, including the Zoom link. This registration form also includes an opportunity to submit questions for our reporters.

Bridge’s Lunch Break monthly series focuses on timely topics facing our state. Previous events have discussed spending of Michigan’s opioid settlement funds, the Democrats’ first year in the legislative majority, solutions to gun violence in Michigan, Michigan’s population crisis, youth mental health in Michigan and the legacy of the automotive industry on the state’s environment and economy.

How to join this live Zoom discussion

To be invited to participate in this hour-long discussion, please complete this form. We will send you the link via a Google Calendar invitation to your email inbox. You can also pre-submit your questions to our team on this form.

To learn more about how to join a Zoom meeting, watch this short video. Zoom is free to use, and you can use the video call function on your computer, tablet or phone, or you can call into the meeting using the conference line function.


Member support allows us to offer engagement opportunities like this Lunch Break series. To regularly receive advance notification of what our nonprofit newsroom is planning and receive member-exclusive benefits — such as free Bridge event tickets, copies of our bimonthly Bridge Culture Club selections and more — become a Bridge Club member today.  

We look forward to talking with you May 29.

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