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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

Bridge reader donations matched again this week!

With the help of readers just like you, Bridge Magazine provides Michigan with an important public service… Real news… Data-driven, factual, nonpartisan reporting by experienced professional journalists… At a time when many newspapers have been forced to cut staff dramatically and retreat from in-depth coverage of many statewide issues.  

It takes one minute to donate online to Bridge.

Year-end 2017 donations are matched by five funders!

Bridge is nonprofit. We deliver our reporting for free - online, via email, and on social media. But freedom of the press isn’t free. Dependable, in-depth, professional journalism takes time, expertise, and money to deliver. To a large extent, Bridge’s future growth is dependent on voluntary, tax-deductible donations from readers just like you.

How much is Bridge journalism worth to you in the year ahead? $25? ... $50? … $100?... Two dollars per week? Will you join the more than 2,000 readers who now financially support our work?

Five philanthropies will match your year-end 2017 Bridge donation! The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation, Glassen Memorial Fund, Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan, and Wege Foundation are all matching Bridge reader donations! So is News Match, a national nonprofit news campaign supported by Democracy Fund, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Who’s going to tell you? Who’s going to watchdog government? Who’s going to tell you if candidates are telling the truth on the campaign trail? Who’s going to tell you how your local schools are performing? Who’s going to tell you how your tax dollars are spent? Who’s going to inform you about changes in the Michigan economy? Who’s going to respectfully share the diverse perspectives of Michigan’s ten million residents?

Bridge Magazine will tell you. With your support, Bridge will tell you more than ever in 2018.

Thank you!

How impactful was this article for you?

Only donate if we've informed you about important Michigan issues

See what new members are saying about why they donated to Bridge Michigan:

  • “In order for this information to be accurate and unbiased it must be underwritten by its readers, not by special interests.” - Larry S.
  • “Not many other media sources report on the topics Bridge does.” - Susan B.
  • “Your journalism is outstanding and rare these days.” - Mark S.

If you want to ensure the future of nonpartisan, nonprofit Michigan journalism, please become a member today. You, too, will be asked why you donated and maybe we'll feature your quote next time!

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