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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

Missed Bridge’s discussion on racial justice in Michigan? Watch the video

Did you miss Tuesday’s Bridge discussion on racial justice and inequality in Michigan? 

Don’t worry. We recorded our Zoom conversation, which featured Branden Snyder, executive director of Detroit Action, a community organization for housing and economic justice in Detroit, and Kafi Kumasi, associate professor of library and information science at Wayne State University, where she researches literacy, equity and diversity, particularly in urban educational environments. 

Watch the video here:

One hundred Bridge readers joined us for this engaging discussion, and even more were turned away by a technical glitch in the Zoom system, which has been resolved and will not impact future Bridge reader chats.

Our August reader discussion will focus on K-12 education in Michigan and what it will look like this fall amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Watch for an announcement and registration information in Bridge soon.

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