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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

What’s next for Bridge in 2021? Watch our Lunch Break video to find out.

Did you miss Tuesday’s Lunch Break discussion on Bridge Michigan’s coverage and plans for 2021?

Don’t stress. We recorded our Zoom conversation, where we were joined by  Bridge president and CEO John Bebow, senior editor David Zeman, managing editor Joel Kurth and business editor Paula Gardner. Our leadership team answered dozens of reader questions in real time, and we were joined by more than 70 Bridge readers.

Discussion topics included our coverage plans for politics and government, health and the pandemic, business and jobs, education, environment, our nonprofit business model and plans for growth, and much more. 

Watch the video here:


Related videos: 

Watch Bridge’s Lunch Break discussion on COVID-19 in Michigan 

Prep for the election by watching Bridge’s October Lunch Break discussion

Watch Bridge’s Lunch Break discussion on high water levels in Michigan

Watch Bridge’s Lunch Break discussion on the K-12 education landscape   

Missed Bridge’s discussion on racial justice in Michigan? Watch the video


We’ll be holding our next Lunch Break discussion in February. The topic and date will be announced in Bridge soon. If you have suggestions for topics you hope to see us cover in future discussions, email them to

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