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Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

27 Mich. counties dodged welfare cuts

How big of an impact has welfare reform had on you and your neighbors? It depends on where you live.

According to the Department of Human Services, 15,799 fewer families were receiving cash assistance at the end of 2011 than were receiving assistance in September, before the state imposed a lifetime limit on welfare.  Here’s our three-month update on the reform, and story about how several families are surviving.

But in 27 of Michigan’s 83 counties, the number of welfare cases is the same or higher than before the time limit was instituted.

Meanwhile, welfare cases in the state’s most populous county – Wayne County – are down 27 percent. In that one county alone, 8,621 families fewer families are receiving cash assistance.

Here’s another way to look at it: Of all families who have stopped receiving welfare checks since September, 54 percent live in Wayne County.

How has welfare reform affected your county? Check it out here.

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