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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

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"Without knowledge action is useless and knowledge without action is futile" -- Abu Bakr, seventh-century Islamic political leader.

* The invaluable Citizens Research Council of Michigan did a two-year study of teacher training, retention and cost issues. The report was released this summer. One of its concluding points: "Teachers are now also facing increased risk of layoff, larger class sizes, and reduced pay and benefits. Policy-makers should be very sensitive to not driving the best teachers from the system.":

* Washington Monthly ranks the University of Michigan No. 13 among "national universities." Michigan State comes in at No. 34:

* Real-estate tracker Zillow says negative equity is dropping, slowly, across the U.S. Michigan, as you can see by the map, is still a hotbed -- by national standards -- of underwater mortgages, however:

* Buckets of info -- maybe even more than you'd like -- about the changing landscape of Traverse City:

* Thanks to productivity gains, Americans could work half as much as they did in 1964 and maintain that year's standard of living. So, why don't we work less?:

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