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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

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"Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement" -- Peter Drucker, 20th century American management guru.

* Before a single class is held, most Michigan public schools will have seen their high-school football teams play two games. So, if it is vital to the state's tourism industry that public school classes be banned prior to Labor Day -- as mandates current state law -- why is it OK for football to occur on Friday nights prior to Labor Day. Don't such Friday night events deter parents from taking their families on long weekend visits to Michigan tourist sites?:

* "The committee, part of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, wants to reduce by half the number of Chinook salmon released into (Lake Michigan) -- from 3.3 million to 1.7 million -- starting in the spring.":

* This link from the Sacramento Bee mentions that the University of Michigan is getting $300,000 from a federal agency to study Asian carp. In Michigan, analysis of Asian carp is generally seen as an important public policy effort. But imagine how it must appear to readers of the Bee in California, or someone in Texas or Colorado.

* A professor at Michigan State University has developed a process to more efficiently extract phosphorous from wastewater, potentially improving water quality around the state -- and reducing the need to mine for additional phosphorous:

* Has the world of passenger airline travel taken another turn for the worse, courtesy of the federal Transportation Security Administration?

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