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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

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"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page" -- St. Augustine (Born 354, died 430).

* Is this good or is this bad? The House Fiscal Agency found that since the state has scaled back on money for "secondary road patrol" the number of traffic tickets has dropped, but criminal arrests and responses are up. (Hat tip to MIRS.):

* We've all heard the complaints about Michigan weather, particularly the winters. We've all heard the stories about folks moving to sunny Florida or Arizona or other warmer climes. However, research shows that sunnier climes do not lead to more happiness:

* On Sept. 26 in Detroit and Sept. 27 in Kalamazoo, public hearings will be held to gather input on plans to improve the speed of the passenger rail line between Detroit and Chicago:,4616,7-151-9620-285565--,00.html

* You know how you grind your way through the security line at the airport and reward yourself with a hot coffee or another tasty beverage? Uh-oh, the good people at the federal Transportation Security Administration think such purchases may present some kind of threat. You might want to ask your U.S. senators and members of Congress about this:

* The search for another Earth-like planet has found one that just might sustain some form of life as we know it:

* Meanwhile, conditions on Earth are becoming less Earth-like, at least as we have known them in the last century:


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