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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

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"Doubt grows with knowledge" -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 18th century German poet.

* Rep. Mike Shirkey, R-Clarklake, has filed a bill that would address what he termed "economic stonewalling" from government agencies confronted with Freedom of Information Act requests from the public. (Hat tip to Gongwer News Service.) The stonewalling technique, for the unitiated, is for the agency to advise the requestor of an extremely high number of the cost to comply with the FOIA -- often a cost that is not in line with the requirements of the law. Give Shirkey's bill a look and see if you agree with his approach:

* We are worried now about doctor shortages, so why did we basically cap their production for the better part of three decades?:

* Among a variety of notable numbers, I noticed this: 85 percent of college seniors expect to move back home after graduation.

* Almost 90 people have drowned in the Great Lakes this year:

* The Michigan Tax Tribunal has been churning through a backlog of cases, both for commercial and residential property. There are likely to be more stories like this one in the months ahead:

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