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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

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"I find that a great part of the information I have, was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way" – Franklin P. Adams, radio commentator.

* A new report from the Michigan Agri-Business Association talks up the potential of agriculture’s prospects in Northern Michigan – and offers at least one very interesting reason why: "… with biotechnology advances, especially with shorter-season crop varieties, climate change (emphasis added) and accompanying longer growing seasons make farming in northern Michigan a more significant opportunity." The report is full of interesting info, too. Did you know that the average dairy cow in Michigan produced more than 20,000 pounds gallons of milk in 2006, compared to only about 5,000 pounds gallons in 1924?:

* A hemorrhagic disease has killed thousands of deer in Michigan this year. "Steve Schmitt, a wildlife veterinarian at the Michigan State University wildlife disease laboratory, attributes the trend of an increasing number of EHD cases in Michigan to climate change. ‘This has been the biggest year so far, and it is related to weather conditions that created a perfect storm,’ Schmitt said. ‘Record-breaking temperatures from the mild winter and hot summer cause the midges to breed more, and the virus is replicating at a greater rate.’":

* You may have read something about the recent State of the State Survey from Michigan State University’s IPPSR. Among the findings: The percentage of Michiganians rating their personal finances as good or excellent was at its highest point this summer since 2005. The interviews, which ended Aug. 13, also detected some economic concerns for the state:

* By contrast with key findings in the IPPSR survey, Michigan’s jobless rate has been on a consistent upward trend. In August, after four straight months of increase, the jobless rate reached 9.4 percent. The national rate is 8.1 percent:

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* This seems a significant development for the broader use of electric vehicles: "Tesla Motors Inc. unveiled a solar-powered charging station on Monday that it said will make refueling electric vehicles on long trips about as fast as stopping for gas and a bathroom break in a conventional car.":

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