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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

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"Science has to be understood in its broadest sense, as a method for comprehending all observable reality, and not merely as an instrument for acquiring specialized knowledge" -- Alexis Carrel, 20th century French scientist.

* Michigan is becoming more energy-efficient, says something called The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. Michigan moved up from No. 17 to No. 12 in the state-by-state rankings. Michigan was well ahead of neighboring Indiana and Ohio on this measure:

* There's plenty of academic research on the general value of pre-K classes. Apparently, though, there's a major info gap when it comes to on-the-ground data. (Bridge recently completed a major review of Michigan's public preschool program.):

* The origins of legislation to alter property tax exemptions for land conservancies stems from a quotation on liability insurance involving an Upper Peninsula dog sled race -- or so reports Ken Winter:

* We do live in a world where a billionaire owns a rather expansive island -- or 98 percent of it at least. What's life like for the 3,000 residents of the Hawaiian island of Lanai, who live where almost all the land is in the hands of one person?

* What is "reshoring," and what could it mean for Michigan's economy?:

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