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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

Land O Links

"To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge" -- Nicolaus Copernicus, 16th century Polish scientist.

* This map highlights, to my eye at least, one of the more fascinating transportation situations in Michigan today. From pretty much all reports, the Traverse City area is growing both in population and economic strength. It also is the only substantial city in the Lower Peninsula not directly served by the interstate highway system. And there isn’t even a state freeway to it, either. Has that circumstance helped TC or hurt it?:

* Matt Yglesias says those job report numbers probably were wrong … and that the error was in under-reporting the economy’s improvement. Please read the whole thing to get a better view of how our appetite for fast data points forces a federal agency to do a difficult job in a less-than-perfect way.:

* Ambassador Bridge owner Manuel Moroun and the United Auto Workers are reportedly talking about an alliance to help each other pass their preferred ballot props (6 for Moroun, 2 for UAW). Remember the old saw about politics and strange bedfellows:

* Charter schools are opening around the country -- and they are closing:

* Plans are moving forward to site a major development on dunes next to the mouth of the Kalamazoo River north of Saugatuck on Lake Michigan:

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