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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

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"Knowledge is not a passion from without the mind, but an active exertion of the inward strength, vigor and power of the mind, displaying itself from within" -- Ralph Cudworth, 17th century English philosopher.

* ProPublica gives a grand tour of campaign finance laws over the last few decades. You probably won't enjoy the tour stops on this.

* Religion used to be a touchy subject when it came to dating/coupling. Now even politics is a hurdle: "In past election years, about a quarter of her clients wouldn't date a member of the opposite party. Now it is three-quarters, Ms. Adler says."

* This post seems a tad more downcast on the Midwest than circumstances call for, but there are some points of resonance in its critique of the economy:

* A bit tired of all the political advertising from groups with bland-sounding names? Learn here about 501(c)4s and what role they now play in our political system.

* One man's art is another man's ...

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