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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

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* Michigan Democrats probably would like to deliver this story to households across the state: "Democrats were taking chambers from Republicans in places where the lines were the product of courts (Minnesota), independent commissions (Colorado) and bipartisan compromises (Oregon). They mostly lost in places where Republican elected officials were in charge of redistricting.

"That list includes chambers that might otherwise have been promising targets for Democrats, including ones in states such as Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin, where President Obama was declared the winner last night. Democrats, of course, used redistricting to tilt the playing field in their favor in places where they had power, such as Illinois, where they expanded their legislative majorities yesterday."

* Oregon and Washington seem to be doing just fine with vote-by-mail … fraud hasn’t been an issue and turnout is great. So why isn’t full-blown vote-by-mail adopted elsewhere?:

* There’s supposed to be a great deal of action in coming days in the Legislature on revamping Michigan’s school code. Will an electoral result in Indiana have any effect on how Michigan lawmakers approach bills like this one?:

* You keep hearing the term "fiscal cliff" out of Washington, D.C. What does that mean? The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has analyzed the economic impact of a variety of policy options that will or could occur in the next few weeks regarding federal tax and spending plans. It's not a light read, but it is an invaluable one:

*As an aficionado of mid-century modern design, your LOL author dreams occasionally about finding a classic Eames chair at a yard sale. So instances of (alleged) knock-offs are to be looked upon with the most disapproving eye:

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