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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

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"I have tried to know absolutely nothing about a great many things, and I have succeeded fairly well" -- Robert Benchley, American humorist and newspaper columnist.

* Bob Jones, who consults with educational institutions and others on public policy, ran through the latest unemployment data. His messages: If you've been jobless a long time, you are in big trouble. If you have only a high school diploma or less, you are in  even bigger trouble. Check out the charts:

* The state of Indiana wants many more college graduates -- and wants its universities and colleges to prove they can produce them efficiently (Hat tip to Bob Jones):

*Mitch Bean, who serves on Bridge's Board of Advisers and who served a long time with the House Fiscal Agency, tried to provide some institutional memory to term-limited legislators and their staffers last week on the nature of municipal and school budgets. Bean's primary thesis: The state has been no friend to local governments, regardless of what Michiganvoters may have wanted in the way of public services:

* "When Andy Crosby travels around Michigan, he rarely drives a car. Instead, the doctoral student, a longtime resident of Grand Rapids, uses trains or buses when he visits his friends or works on academic projects around Michigan":

*Michigan is becoming a very good place indeed for corporations that don't want to pay income taxes:



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