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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

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"Knowledge which is divorced from justice, may be called cunning rather than wisdom" -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman senator

* Center for Michigan President John Bebow sat down with Michigan Municipal League President Dan Gilmartin to talk about prosperity in Michigan, along with with Gary Heidel of MSHDA, Tim Fischer of the Michigan Environmental Council and Hayley Roberts of the Michigan Suburbs Alliance:

* Michigan has an energetic craft brewery scene, though state regulators have not made life easy on small brewers, as detailed in a Mackinac Center for Public Policy post here. Alabama has joined the interference fray, putting a crimp in Founders Brewing's bid to distribute a new product with a rather distinctive name:

* "By 2025, Michigan will need over 1 million additional college graduates to meet job demand – a 17 percent increase over the current trend." Business Leaders for Michigan is hosting a summit inLansingon higher education on May 7. Registration is free and the public is encouraged to attend and learn more about the central role higher education will play in Michigan's 21st century economy:

* Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker signed a repeal of that state's equal pay law, saying the measure was a "boon" for trial lawyers.

Meanwhile, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder issues a statement on equal pay, saying, "Equal pay for women is a must if we are to achieve true equality between the sexes. I have always been committed to the principle of equal pay and to eliminating any gender bias in pay systems:,4668,7-277-57577-276006--,00.html

*Michigan lawmakers have often looked to Indiana as a model for policies on a wide variety of issues. It will be interesting to see what Michigan-- and other states -- make of this: "As of March 20, Indiana law gives residents the right to resist police -- even with deadly force -- if they're acting unlawfully":

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