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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

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"We do not need to be shoemakers to know if our shoes fit, and just as little have we any need to be professionals to acquire knowledge of matters of universal interest" -- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 19th century German philosopher.

* Fascinating essay that weaves through the motivations of a young Henry Ford to the amenities (and pathology) of Greenfield Village to Detroit ruin porn to historic preservation in Detroit suburbs to ... well you just need to read the darn thing:

* The past, present and (maybe) future in the Upper Peninsula:

Michigan Tech is moving toward a degree program in mining engineering.

A proposal's been floated to turn a former mine into a massive marijuana grow house. And a Republican in the Michigan House of Representatives says good idea.

Buses now are running cleaner thanks to tech developed in the U.P.

* Take a look at the photograph with this post at Atlantic Cities. It's hard to imagine a street in any Michigan city would ever look like that. The photo goes with a report on how Copenhagen and Amsterdam took action to make their streets multimodal: cars, mass transit, cyclists, pedestrians:

* A rose by any other name may actually be orange, or yellow. Diving into the world of what makes a color a color:

* While Michigan is somewhere in the middle on a ranking of peacefulness among the states, Metro Detroit came out as the least peaceful of the 61 metro areas analyzed on such factors as homicide rate, incarceration rate and police presence. Among the more interesting findings of Richard Florida and his team: "We find a considerable negative correlation between the State Peace Index and the share of state residents that are 'very religious' (according to Gallup surveys). Counter-intuitively perhaps, the more religious a state is, the less peaceful it is":

* There are drones in the skies of Michigan. And they are painted maize and blue:

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