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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

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"Mistakes are, after all, the foundations of truth, and if a man does not know what a thing is, it is at least an increase in knowledge if he knows what it is not" -- Carl Jung, Swiss psychologist.

* Ice in winter has positive effects, too:

* It was suggested, in comments to this story by Bridge's Nancy Derringer about a major urban farming proposal in Detroit, that Whole Foods would be a natural retail outlet for some of the product of said urban farming venture. Having never set foot in a Whole Foods outlet, I'll just say I have no idea:

* Governing Magazine follows up its "Alice in Wonderland" look at Pontiac with a quick review of the fiscal state of play in Detroit:

* This report raises all sorts of questions, not least of which: How does the University of Michigan determine in-state residency on a "case by case" basis? Isn't that a dangerous recipe for drawing in the ol' lawyer types?:

*Ferris State has a few dozen jobs to fill in Big Rapids and Grand Rapids. A point that sometimes gets lost in the state aid debate in Lansing is that universities quite often are "THE" economic hub for a community, be it in Michigan or any other state:

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