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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

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“Any fool can know. The point is to understand" -- Albert Einstein.

* Power failures are increasingly common in the United States, a consequence of our culture's inability to actually address an infrastructure problem. We do want the lights to come on, don't we?:

* Here's a conundrum: As energy efficiency grows, demand for energy grows, thereby negating the gains of the efficiency:

* A tale of two Detroits: Growth in Midtown; fear elsewhere. Bridge wrote on Midtown last fall and studied the question of whether the neighborhood was a harbinger for a more general city recovery, or an outlier:

* Here's one of those little conundrums the political system struggles to address: Nationally, we are hiring more firefighters, even while the number of fires have plunged. So, is the message that large fire forces will drive the number lower or at least keep it low, or that success could continue without so many firefighters? Bridge wrote extensively on the firefighter staffing issue in Michigan this spring:

* Words you don't want to see associated together in state eager to enlarge the ranks of the college educated: "student loans" "debt" and "scary." More on Michigan's student debt load situation here, here and here:


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