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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

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“A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting” -- Carlos Castaneda, anthropologist and author.

* The mayor of Royal Oak says that if voters don’t improve a public safety property tax millage next week, city services are toast. Royal Oak has cut its police force by 40 percent in the last four years:

* The Ypsilanti school district could face an emergency manager in its future, even after a variety of staff and service cuts to deal with a persistent budget deficit:

* Voters in Allegan County, south of Grand Rapids, will be asked next week to again approve a property tax millage for road repairs:

* Detroit Mayor Dave Bing and Gov. Rick Snyder are not seeing eye to eye over the state’s interest in Belle Isle, the huge city park that is in needed of some tender loving care:

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