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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

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"Knowledge conquered by labor becomes a possession - a property entirely our own" -- Samuel Smiles, 19th century British author.

* Education Trust-Midwest advises that parents in many Michigan communities are going to be surprised, and dismayed, at new calculations on how their children's schools are performing:

* Ohio has a school of choice program that extends into private schools. Not all private schools choose to participate, however:

* Ethanol policies will make your grocery bill higher. "But to fully understand why prices for meat, eggs, cheese, and other grain-intensive foods are soaring, consider this fact: America ’s corn ethanol sector now consumes about as much grain as all of this country’s livestock." (emphasis added):

* The issue of doctor supplies is getting national attention. "Why do so few doctors choose to go into primary care? The main reason is money. Medical school graduates can expect to make an average of $3.5 million more over the course of their careers if they choose to enter a specialized field, such as anesthesiology or radiology." Bridge has done extensive Michigan-based reporting on this issue, here, here and here.

* The weather is getting more extreme:

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