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Where Michigan governor candidates stand on jobs and the economy

November 6: Gretchen Whitmer projected winner in Michigan governor race

Michigan’s two major candidates for governor promise good economic days ahead if they are elected. But too often during the campaign, they’ve skimped on how they’d pay for plans to boost jobs and business growth in the state.

Former Democratic Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer vows to generate $3 billion to “fix the damn roads” and create 70,000 jobs. But the math in her plan doesn’t add up. She wants to provide high-speed Internet across rural Michigan, but does not say how that would be fully funded.

Likewise, GOP Attorney General Bill Schuette wants to fix the state’s crumbling roads. But he hasn’t spelled out how he’d pay for that while also promising voters he will slash taxes. Schuette wants to cut the personal income tax from 4.25 percent to 3.9 percent, which would wipe out about $800 million in annual revenue to the state.

The Michigan 21st Century Infrastructure Commission appointed by Gov. Snyder pegged the annual cost at $4 billion to fix the state’s ailing roads, bridges and other infrastructure.

Follow the links below to learn what Bridge Magazine was able to discover about each candidate’s economic and job plans:

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