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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

Who are you? What have you done with Mitt?

Writing on his own blog, Bridge contributor Rick Haglund touches on one reason Mitt Romney may be polling so poorly in advance of the Feb. 28 GOP primary:

Is Mitt Romney really George Romney's son? he asks. Hmm. Ignore the obvious family resemblance, Haglund says. Look at what he says:

Romney writes (in a Detroit News op-ed) that he "got my love of cars and chrome and fins and roaring motors" from his father, who became president of American Motors when the younger Romney was 7 years old.

But American Motors under George Romney was the antithesis of chrome, fins and roaring motors. The automaker, which was acquired by Chrysler in 1987, prided itself on building small, affordable, fuel-efficient cars.

Good catch, Rick. For those of us old enough to remember AMC's product line, it's hard to associate, oh, the Rambler or even the Pacer with chrome, fins or roaring motors, unless you're describing the gales of laughter from anyone contemplating the special blue-denim upholstery and "flying fishbowl" body styling.

Michigan voters can probably forgive, or at least understand, Romney's opinions about the bailouts that saved GM and Chrysler. But not knowing the product line? You've been gone too long, Mitt.

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