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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

Phil Power | Please help Bridge expand its nonpartisan journalism in Michigan

This week marks the start of Bridge Magazine's year-end fund drive.

This year, Bridge:

  • Doubled our readership and the number of published reports
  • Responding to reader requests, added two capital/politics watchdogs and an environmental reporter
  • Engaged more than 20,000 Michigan citizens in more than 170 "Bridge Michigan Truth Tour" events to distribute our comprehensive issue guides and spark nonpartisan discussions about Michigan's future
  • Earned more than 50 journalism awards, including a third consecutive Michigan Press Association "Newspaper of the Year" award.

Countless readers have told us Bridge fills a news vacuum created by declining revenue and resources for mainstream news media. This means much less watchdogging of politicians' words and deeds, not to mention far less in-depth reporting on state and local government, the economy, education, infrastructure and urban and rural issues. And in a world where anybody who has a laptop can publish whatever on social media, what's needed are more folks checking facts and assuring fairness - just what Bridge reporters and editors do every day.

Related: Please support our nonprofit, nonpartisan Michigan-based journalism

Bridge is nonpartisan, publishing in-depth journalism that is driven by the facts wherever they lead, not politics or any ideological position, left or right. Bridge doesn't have its own opinion page or publish editorials; We think there's more than enough political opinion and journalism bias out there. But not enough factual, in-depth nonpartisan reporting. That's what we do.  In fact, we believe that helping make Michigan a better place requires all our citizens to be well informed and active participants in making policy choices.

We're in the middle of planning our work for next year, which means continued in-depth coverage of education, the economy, and the policy issues that will confront a newly elected governor and legislature in 2019. And we have our eye on expanded coverage of healthcare and business, improved photography and graphics and making other technology upgrades to keep pace with the interests of today's readers.

This work is not easy. Nor does it come cheap. That's why we're reaching out to Bridge readers who continue to want trustworthy public service journalism.  Continued growth in contributions from our readers is the lifeblood of our work and the support that powers our improvement and growth.

Of course, contributions to nonprofit Bridge Magazine (or the Center for Michigan) are tax deductible. Not only that, but your year-end donation is matched by NewsMatch, a nationwide philanthropic campaign to support nonprofit news, the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan, the Bosch Community Fund, the Flinn Foundation and the Glassen Memorial Foundation.  These matches double the value of your donation in helping Bridge produce the kind of journalism you want.

Your tax deductible donation can be made securely online HERE or sent to:

         Bridge Magazine (or The Center for Michigan)

4100 North Dixboro Road

Ann Arbor, MI  48105

You'll help make Michigan a better place when you give. I'm very grateful for your continued support.

How impactful was this article for you?

Only donate if we've informed you about important Michigan issues

See what new members are saying about why they donated to Bridge Michigan:

  • “In order for this information to be accurate and unbiased it must be underwritten by its readers, not by special interests.” - Larry S.
  • “Not many other media sources report on the topics Bridge does.” - Susan B.
  • “Your journalism is outstanding and rare these days.” - Mark S.

If you want to ensure the future of nonpartisan, nonprofit Michigan journalism, please become a member today. You, too, will be asked why you donated and maybe we'll feature your quote next time!

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