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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source
Topic: Success

Bridge coverage earns conservation award

Jeff Alexander, a contributor to Bridge Magazine who focuses on conservation, environmental and outdoors issues, is being honored by the Michigan Chapter of the Sierra Club.

Each year, the conservation group honors journalism in three media: online, print and broadcast.

"Jeff always does a great job of covering the whole story on the issues he reports, so this is in recognition of his excellent coverage overall," said Anne Woiwode of the club. "We are impressed that he seeks out topics that are often not in the mainstream media and does thorough reporting on them. The one that we particularly highlighted in our consideration was the one regarding Michigan's State Forests and DNR management in February 2012. As far as we know, Jeff is the only reporter who has picked up on this topic in any medium, and certainly the only one with such in-depth reporting."

"We’re proud of the reporting Jeff Alexander is doing for Bridge Magazine," said Center for Michigan Chairman Phil Power. "We try to find important, but less fashionable, subjects to cover, and we try to do so in a fact-based, non-ideological way that provides depth for the reader. Jeff’s work meets those criteria perfectly, and we’re delighted the Sierra Club agrees."

In the official nomination for Alexander, the club noted, "Bridge Magazine, an online publication of the Center for Michigan, has provided a forum for one of Michigan’s best environmental reporters, Jeff Alexander, to do in-depth coverage of some of the Sierra Club’s top issues. In an era where newspapers are disappearing … Bridge has provided a platform for investigative journalism that appears to have no other outlet."

"Readers of Bridge and citizens of Michigan are fortunate to have such skilled, dedicated journalists as Jeff reporting on the state of our natural assets," said Bridge Senior Editor Derek Melot. "We are pleased that the Sierra Club has seen fit to honor his contributions to the field."

Additional coverage from Jeff Alexander

Pure slacking -- Michigan falters on conservation

Mining boom roils Upper Peninsula

Michigan struggles against gas tank leaks

Deer have Michigan on the run

$340 million bill looms over state parks

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