Dearborn schools dominate many of the champs lists, as Bridge Magazine recognizes winners at schools from Grand Rapids to Detroit and the Upper Peninsula
Take a bow. Here are the most successful high schools in Michigan at sending graduates to college, broken down into four categories. Did your school make the list?
Use this database to search for your Michigan high school and see how it compares in sending graduates to college to others nearby and of similar economic means.
This year, Bridge honors school districts where students grow the most from third to eighth grade. The new measure comes from groundbreaking research that tips conventional wisdom on its head.
Use this database to search growth from third to eighth grades, and compare districts compare with their neighbors and ones with similar socioeconomics statewide in Michigan.
Last year, Michigan replaced its longstanding MEAP standardized test with a new assessment aligned with the Common Core. Bridge’s Academic State Champs analysis allows you to compare your school with peer schools across the state.
If there are lies, damn lies and statistics, those attached to education may fall into a special category. Rankings like this simply don’t mean anything, a guest columnist says.
A computer programming error resulted in two Michigan elementary schools being left off the list of 2014 State Champs. The error also slightly changes the individual rankings of some schools.