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Bridge Michigan
Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source

Michigan Tax Facts QUIZ

When we launched the series "Michigan Tax Facts" we promised to provide the most important information every Michigan tax payer needs to know. So how did we do? Today, we will test your knowledge of Michigan's tax history and current tax climate. Complete the 10-question survey below to find out. Be sure to include your email address at the conclusion of the survey for your chance to win a Center for Michigan T-shirt. Need a hint? All the answers are in our 10-part series below...

Part 1: Are Michigan taxes too high, too low or just right?
Part 2: Who wants what in the long war over Michigan taxes?
Part 3: Who pays the taxes in Michigan?
Part 4: What do you taxes pay for in Michigan?
Part 5: Who gets tax breaks in Michigan?
Part 6: How much do taxes matter for business location?
Part 7: Will your city hall and local schools go bankrupt?
Part 8: What would Richard Headlee think today?
Part 9: What will happen to your taxes in the future?
Part 10: Sifting through fuzzy tax math on the campaign trail

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

How did you do? See the answers HERE>>

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