Opinion | Don’t believe the hype. Mike Duggan didn’t save Detroit. January 30, 2018 | Karen Dumas in Guest Commentary Detroit was never as bad as the media once portrayed. And the city isn’t as good as they say it is now.
Foundations open wallets to improve Detroit’s fortunes April 4, 2014 | Karen Dumas in Brunch with Bridge The Kresge and Stillman foundations are investing in neighborhoods and education, in a city that badly needs help with both.
Detroit's comeback can't work if most are left behind February 28, 2014 | Karen Dumas in Brunch with Bridge Detroit can't prosper if the jobs coming with its current recovery are only for the well-educated few. Excellent public schools must be part of the solution.
Detroit's successes have a thousand parents; its struggles are orphans January 24, 2014 | Karen Dumas in Brunch with Bridge
Detroit's blank slate means new reality for council December 6, 2013 | Karen Dumas in Brunch with Bridge
For Detroit under an EM, lots of woulda-coulda-shoulda November 1, 2013 | Karen Dumas in Brunch with Bridge
Misplaced rage over minimum wage: Workers need options to leave burgers behind August 16, 2013 | Karen Dumas in Brunch with Bridge
Detroit’s EM should surround himself with fresh faces, fresh thinking July 13, 2013 | Karen Dumas in Brunch with Bridge
Orr, what? Detroit EM’s first days show more loyalty to state than city May 26, 2013 | Karen Dumas in Brunch with Bridge